Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome Readers

We love to read and want to invite anyone from the community to join our book club. You don't have to be a student, you don't have to be LDS, you don't have to be married, you just have to like to read! So join our group! We will be reading a book every month. This month we have decided to read, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho (see description below). At the end of the month we will meet at "The Uptown Bagel Cafe" here in Rexburg to discuss the book, eat good food and hot chocolate, and pick a new book for the next month. We are excited to start this group and think it will be a lot of fun. We have started a list of books we are interested in reading (see side bar) but are very open to new ideas. Please email us at or leave a comment if you are interested in joining us!


~Anna and Melissa


Unknown said...

I want in!

Camille said...

On your printed list that you had at the meeting you had a few other books listed, like Marley and Me. I vote for that one!